
Outlet Data of 99 000 Retailers in Tanzanian

From a retail perspective Tanzania is one of the more important countries in Africa.  It has the 9th biggest economy in Africa, has a population of 64 million and, with a GDP Annual Growth Rate that averaged 6.45 percent from 2002 until 2022, it has the 7th fastest growth rate on a continent that is experiencing some of the highest growth rates in the world.

According to the World Bank, Tanzania has achieved relatively strong economic growth and declining poverty rates. 

In short, retail opportunities abound.

Retail Trade Census in Tanzania

Steve Johnson, Director of New Business at the Frontline Research Group, believes that they have just completed, what must be, one of the most thorough retail census in Tanzania. This is definitely the case, for the Frontline Research Group, who have conducted many large retail census projects, across Africa

He says, “We completed a Retail Trade Census of Tanzania in the fourth quarter of 2022 that has resulted just over 99 000 outlets being profiled and geolocated.”

This is a significant achievement, as researchers covered 73% of the country, by walking the streets and using a proprietary mobile application to photograph, geolocate and profile each store.

“Traditional trade in emerging markets is where a lot of our expertise lies.  We understand how Africa works and where to gather important data that is vital for generating insights and strategic direction,” adds Steve.

Strategic Benefits

“The strategic benefits of accessing the Retail Census data are endless because of the large amount of store level data we gathered too.  This includes trade channel profile data, supply chain information, branding and merchandising data and outlet operational data,” says Steve.

The Frontline Research Group’s services extend well beyond simple data collecting.  The data is provided in such a way that it is possible to drill down by location, trade channel classifications, store segmentations as well as estimated market share for beverages and numeric distribution in 14 different FMCG categories.

Steve says that one of their most insightful tools are their interactive maps where the above data is overlaid to provide visualized opportunities.

“If you are a business looking for knowledge in the Tanzanian market that is rich with information on how big the opportunity is, where it is and how to get there, this data will be the compass that will direct your business to growth in the best possible way,” concludes Steve.

How to access this data

Please contact Liesl Pearson on +27 (0)82 441 7331or liesl.pearson@frontlineafrica.com for more information or a demonstration.